Monday, October 15, 2007

fun at the fair?

okay. like i mentioned before we had a pretty busy week. thursday the pikes left so we moved in. it was graysons first time sleeping away from home. thursdays night we got chinese take out-the girls thought that we great as brooke had been begging for chinese for quite some time. friday i got all four girls out the door and off to school. i then went back to the pikes and john(he had friday off) and i stayed in our pjs and played with grayson until 11. we then got ready to pick up the girls from school. then it was off to horse lessons. we went back home and took all 5 for a walk to the gas station to get a slushie, back home to watch a movie and to bed. friday night about midnight chrissy comes running to the bedroom yelling"i hate my mouth"-she had a sore throat. i got her some juice and medicine and put her back to bed. saturday we decided to go to the fort bragg fair. the day started out okay but then got exciting. we got there around one when it opened. haley was not really wanting to ride and she usually rides everything in sight . she lays in the stroller and sayes she is not feeling well. chrissy on the other hand rode everything and the big girls toook a cellphone and off they went. this will explain why almost all the pictures are of chrissy. grayson even rode several rides. daddy took him down th ebig slide twice, he rode the carasel, the old cars, and went in the fun house. when we met up with the big girls michelle was not felling well either and haley was running a fever. we then went home and put on a movie. haley ended up with a sore throat like chrissy but also had a high fever. before all that haley was battling a nasty cold(she has been sick ever since she started school, because up until then she was homeschooled and stayed away from all the nasty things kids bring to school.) anyway she ended up giving her cold to grayson. it was so sad. we spend most of saturday night in the spare bathroom with the hot shower running to make a steam room just so he could breathe. he did not even cry-he would just gag and choke all the time. we moved everything in the spare bedroom cause it was smaller and stared the vaporizer.john and i shared the twin bed and grayson slept sitting up in his swing next to the vaporizer. sunday and sunday night was pretty much the same. we spent the whole day in locked in the spare room or in the "sauna"(bathroom ) to help him breathe. we also had to suck his nose out every hour. he was such a good boy he even let us suck his nose without crying. he stated feeling a little better monday. he stills has a nasty nose but i think he is on the mend. well he is now awake and wants to eat so i must run. we love and miss you all. cant wait for grayson to meet you! 5 more weeks:)


Proud Grandparents said...

What fun! Looks like the biggest kids also had fun:) Miss and love you all! Mom

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

look like you guys had fun. i can tell haley didn't feel good, poor girl! chrissy is just chrisyy, very funny! sorry to hear the little man got his first cold, i'm glad he is recovering quickly. can't wait to see you guys. we love you and miss you all!

Joan said...

So sorry to hear that Grayson was sick. It's so hard to see them sick when thay are so little..Glad he's getting better.. Can't wait to meet him in person.

Auntie of four plus one! said...

sorry to hear Grayson was sick but I'm glad to hear he is doing better! Can't wait to FINALLY see him at Thanksgiving!!!! See ya all soon!