alright,alright i know i got tagged. i have been just a little bit busy with a new baby,working(4 more kids), plus the gym but i will give it a shot.
1. i just had my first baby after 8 years of marriage. we both have always wanted children. at first we waited because john was in the army and we wanted him to be around to watch his kids grow up. then we waited because i took care of 4 other children and some how 1 year turned to 2 years and now here we are.
2.i never wanted to have a boy. i remember when my sister had my nephew. i did not want to change his diaper and i still will not wipe his hinny. he was cute and i lovd him but i did not know what to do with him. you see i nannied for two girls for a few years and have had four girls for 6 or 7 years. girls were all i knew. boys were like little aliens and i was so comfortable with little girls. then i became pregnant and all i wanted was a boy. my husband did not really care but i did.i do not know what changed maybe i needed a change but all i knew is that i deperately wanted a little boy. and now i have one. grayson cole was born aug 10th and i would not trade him for a dozen girls. i love my son he is so awesome.
3.i married my husband after only 4 weeks together(in person). we had been together for a year but the rest was long distance. we met 2 weeks before i left for college. we spent every minute of those 2 weeks together then i left for college and he joined the army. we saw each other for 1 week at christmas and then 1 week in the summer. we then married a year after we met. he was 19 and i was 20.
4.i am a nanny for four girls they are 14,12,6 and5.i have kept them for 6 or 7 years i have had the 2 little ones since they were babies. i love the girls and have enjoyed watching tham grow. maybe that is one of the biggest reason i waited so long to have kids because i knew how much work it is.
5.i onced got stranded at a bus station in downtown chicago. half way through my sophomore year of college, my roommate and i decided to leave college and go on a road trip. we went to missouri to see my husband. when her mother found out where she was she told her to leave immediately. i did not want to go so i decided to stay with john. i had no car and my roommate left.i stayed in a hotel for a few days till john had to back to work(he was in the army and lived on base) we both had no $. he came up with enough $ to buy me a bus ticket back to chicago which was near hwere i went to college. i finally reached my roommate and she came to get me in the middle of the night at a bus station in downtown chicago. talk about scary but that what love will do.
6.i get extremely homesick. i remeber when i was in college i would get so homesick i would get phisically sick. i hated being away from home. i still get that way even after living in nc for 8 years. it is worse now that i have had my son. i love maine and will someday move back it will always be my home and i cant wait for grayson to see it.
7.on sunday we travel 45 minutes each way to go to a good church. so we spend 3 hours in a car on sunday.
8. i am a workout fanatic. my husband and i both workout 5 times a week. i workedout the whole 9 months i was pregnant. i even workedout the day i gave birth to my son and went back to the gym a week after he was born. it is my drug of choice. it relieves all my stress.
now onto what you really want to see.